Five Components of a Complete Business Signage Audit

Subdivision Monument Signage for Summer GroveAfter being in business for a while, you may not think about your signage anymore, but you should. Just as styles in clothing come and go, so do styles in business signage. Conducting a business signage audit is an essential part of evaluating your marketing strategy. The following are five components of a complete audit: 1. Visibility Over time, trees grow and structures are built. Can potential clients and customers still see the sign you installed so many years ago? Is anything obstructing the view or deferring your customer base? Has it become dirty or faded so it’s no longer readable or recognizable. Your clients must be able to see the sign if you want them to visit your business. 2. Vibrant Colors How vibrant is your sign? The colors and designs should jump out at passersby. When someone walks or drives by, they should catch your sign from the […]
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