A Tale of Two Trade Show Displays

Creating custom signage for a trade show and a conferenceTrade shows are big business in the United States. Over $25 Billion dollars is spent each year on trade shows, business expos, conventions, and conferences for businesses. Furthermore, 92% of trade show attendees say their main reason for attending trade shows is to see new products or meet new potential business partners/customers. Maybe that is because over 81% of the people who attend tradeshows are the actual decision makers. When exhibiting trade shows, participants also stated that an eye-catching stand is the most effective method attracting attendees according to 48% of those surveyed. That is why the team at Pinnacle works so diligently with our clients to make sure that their trade show displays convey the right message to attract the right attendees. We recently had the opportunity to work on two different sets of products for trade shows to help promote the Childcare Network and our own company at […]
Read more: https://ift.tt/2FDTvOo

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